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You Can Be Restored!
Psalm 23:2 tells us about the Lord’s love, and how his presence restores our soul.  We can experience his presence as we sing and worship.  Take a moment to listen to my new song.  The...
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Encouragement in Suffering and Hardship
The prophet Jeremiah helped people think about the kingdom of God in a new way.  Up to his day, the kingdom was limited to the nation of Israel, ruled by a righteous king, being the chosen channel for...
Hope for the Landfill in our Heart
When we read the word “tell,” we think of the verb. Telling is sharing information. But, “tell” can also be an important noun for the archeologist. A tell is a large mound, often with a flat plane, like...
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The God Who Restores What Was Lost
Jeremiah gets a bad rap as the angry prophet of doom.  But, he didn’t enjoy preaching fire and brimstone.  In his confessions sprinkled throughout the book, Jeremiah said he wanted to keep God’s...
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